What’s the first thing you do after leaving your car? Chances are, you press the lock button on your key.

We humans crave feedback mechanisms. Knowing the car will lock on its own isn’t enough – we need to feel it close, hear it click, see it lock shut. This human quirk goes doubly so for the security of our finances.

Research and CX revealed that users didn’t feel secure when they closed the app because the Sign Out button was buried in settings. It didn’t matter that the app automatically signs you out when closed. That critical feedback mechanism was missing.

Make it easier for City National Bank clients to sign out of the mobile app

Sprint collaborator, ideation, linguistic design, UX design

The Current State

The Sign Out button was buried at the very bottom of Settings.

My team and I landed on a handful of solid concepts. My own contribution, #3, gained immediate traction for being the simplest and most aligned to UX best practices. We skipped the wires and went straight to prototypes for testing.

First Round of User Testing

The icon concept tested best, but with a secondary outcome.

Is the icon strong enough on its own, or does it need a CTA as well?

Second Round of User Testing

We tested the icon version and a CTA-based version.

Blending them was out of the question, as pairing an icon with words in such close quarters would crowd the interface and violate CNB’s brand style guide. Though some users did suggest blending the two, all participants in the study knew what to do.

Outcome: Best of Both Worlds

In the end, the icon won. However, we couldn’t just ignore the good CTA feedback, so we also added a text-based Sign Out button to the top of Settings.


CNB Mobile App Login Revamp