My team and I redesigned the mobile app login experience to accommodate both Personal and Business Banking clients.

City National Bank’s Personal Banking Line of Business has typically set the standard for other LOBs when it comes to adopting new technologies and keeping pace with client expectations.

My team and I were tasked with redesigning the app’s login page so that Business Banking clients could log in natively instead of using mobile web.

Sprint collaborator and co-facilitator, ideation, linguistic design, UX design support

Project Scope

Our two-day sprint began with empathy mapping based on one of our five client personas.

It was chosen by Research as the client type most likely to be using the app for business purposes. This informed the creation of our How-Might-We statement, which we answered though ideation.


Ideation consisted of two formal techniques with moments of freeform concepting throughout.

We used Worst Idea Possible as the warm-up, followed by everyone’s favorite, Neurodivergent 8s.

Crazy8s and Worst Ideas.jpg


We discussed our concepts and narrowed down the ones that best hit the holy trifecta of feasibility, viability and desirability.

The three winners went into wireframes followed by higher-fidelity prototypes.

Login Idea Wireframes (1).png

Hi-Fi Protos

The hi-fi prototypes explored a range of iterations, with slides 1 and 2 below representing more or less the current state at the time.

Somewhere in the mix, one of my more exotic ideas got eliminated, but I love the result no less.

BOP POP Mobile Login Ideas (1).png


Testing… 4, 5, testing…” Literally.

The Tabs-based iterations won the primaries, so we focused the general on 4 and 5.

Lo and behold:

BOP Mobile App Login User Testing.v3 (1)_Page_3.jpg


Since launch, the redesign has continued to receive positive reception from Business Banking clients, with tertiary clients beginning to ask for their own mobile login capabilities as well.


CNB Credit Card Accounts Redesign


CNB Mobile App Secure Sign-out